About us
Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival is held annually in the last week of March in Kyiv. Our goal is to promote and develop documentary and increase respect for human rights in Ukraine.
- Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union;
- NGO “Docudays”;
- Charity Organization “Charity and Health Fund”;
- Center for Contemporary Information Technology and Visual Arts.
In 2012, the new term “digital rights” made its appearance. The UN Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution whereby the same human rights that people have offline must be protected online. The new digital world is changing us, our way of thinking, habits, ways of communication and our consciousness. To research more on these changes, we have chosen digital human rights as the main theme of the 16th Docudays UA Festival in 2019. The trends, strategies, and forms of human rights protection in the digital world were explored during the festival.
Children also have rights to free Internet access, unlimited opportunities for self-education and self-development, communication with peers from different parts of the world, and self-expression. But not all of them are aware of Internet safety rules, so they risk to be cyberbullied.
Our preliminary analytical research showed that our legislation lacks cyberbullying protection tools. It contains a definition of “bullying” and entails an administrative responsibility for offline bullying. The law on bullying also contains a chapter on the use of information technologies, but the cyberbullying measures proposed in this document cannot protect children who experienced cyberbullying.
Protecting the rights of the child in the digital world requires not only effective public policy but also awareness of the problem among education specialists, parents, children, and society in general. That is why we are launching the National Ukrainian Campaign Against Cyberbullying and present an educational programme for DOCU/WEEK against bullying and cyberbullying for Ukrainian schools to improve the safety of the school environment.
Besides, for the first time, we announce October as a nationwide anti-bullying month to draw attention to the problem and involve education specialists, parents, community activists, children and all those who care into the problem-solving process.

The purpose of the National Ukrainian Campaign Against Cyberbullying is to reduce online bullying by informing society and advocating for changes in public policy on human rights. Within the campaign, free qualified legal assistance is available for children and/or their parents who experienced cyberbullying. This assistance was made possible through the collaboration between Docudays UA and the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU).
We have collected all the necessary information that will help you to understand cyberbullying and counteract it.

Our experience shows that documentary can become an effective tool to assist education specialists during discussions of important and complex issues with students.
That’s why, especially for educational institutions, we have developed a DOCU/WEEK against bullying and cyberbullying programme, which will enable them to hold screenings and discussions of films on cyberbullying as well as to conduct relevant lessons.

We learn on the world experience of fighting with bullying in all its manifestations and support those who have experienced bullying. That is why we announce October as a nationwide anti-bullying month. Each person or organization can join the event in a convenient way to combat violent communication and find out how to protect young people from bullying.
We also invite all stakeholders who work on this issue to use our resources — the Docudays UA Traveling Festival, the network of film clubs for media education DOCU/CLUB, educational and analytical materials to encourage all decision-makers to make information technologies as safe as possible for children.
Today, more than 200 DOCU/CLUBs operate within schools, universities, youth NGOs, Euroclubs, libraries, corrective labor colonies and educational facilities of the penitentiary system. You can also open or start a movie club in your community!
Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival is the only international human rights documentary film festival in Ukraine. It takes place every year in Kyiv in the last week of March. It is a part of the international Human Rights Film Network.
Following the festival in March, Docudays UA traditionally presents the best films in the regions of Ukraine within the Traveling Festival. The screenings and discussions of the films with the participation of human rights experts run from October to December (inclusive). Throughout the year Docudays UA:
- promotes auteur documentary cinema in film theaters as a part of the DOCU/HIT project.
- develops critical thinking within Docudays UA film clubs for media education in human rights.
- presents the cultural diplomacy project SEE UKRAINE in Europe.
- helps young Ukrainian documentary filmmakers to produce their films at the DOCU/PRO industry platform.
- publishes an annual catalogue of new Ukrainian films for promotion abroad.

The 17th Docudays UA will take place between March 20 and 29, 2020, in Kyiv.

Alla Tyutyunnyk
Human rights expert, member of the Organizing and the Selection Committee of the <a href="http://docudays.ua/" target="_blank">Docudays UA festival</a>

Liubov Naidonova
invited expert, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Corresponding Member of NAES of Ukraine, Deputy Director of Research, Head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education of the Institute for Social and Political Psychology of NAES of Ukraine, Member of the Community Council of National Council of Ukraine for Television and Radio Broadcasting